Superior Garage.#208 West 76th St N.Y.C.
The Pizza Joint
76th Street at the corner of West End Avenue. Lombard Apartment House.
[Pumping station of the Croton Water System.]
Closing Exercises of the Class of '90, of the Van Norman Institute
[Storefront of Williams Bar-B-Q Caterers, 2350 Broadway.]
The Prudential Insurance Company of America
[Broadway and 76th Street.]
Street Scenes, etc. Showing Displays of Liberty Loan Posters during World War I [Liberty Loan posters at the Lincoln Trust Company on the southwest corner of 72nd Street and Broadway.]
[West 83rd Street during the filming of The Naked City.]
[Detail of northernly section of front wall.]
86th Street Crosstown Line, New York Railways Company
[Map of the Upper West Side]
Broadway Series. Looking north from 72nd Street. At the extreme left edge is seen a part of the Rutgers Presbyterian Church on the S.W. corner of 73rd Street, and then to Ansonia Apartment Hotel on th
Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of P. S. 10 Manhattan by the P. S. 10 Alumni Association
Broadway Series. Looking north from 79th Street. Wood's store is the first tall building on 80th Street, at right. Keith's Theater beyond the low tree. Broadway studio building at left.
East Abutment Wall - looking southeast from 76th Street.
250 West 75th Street. Apartment building